SPRINGFIELD – Underserved business owners could soon have more support through a new Office of Economic Equity and Empowerment under a measure passed by State Senator Celina Villanueva.
“Creating the Office of Economic Equity and Empowerment ensures that businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans and those with disabilities are protected,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “With this office, established resources and programs remain readily available to these underrepresented businesses.”
Senate Bill 859 would create the Office of Economic Equity and Empowerment within the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, further protecting equity initiatives. While DCEO has the Office of Minority Economic Empowerment, it is not written into law. Villanueva’s measure would preserve equity initiatives through the formal establishment of the office and continue its current efforts supporting underserved business owners.
“In prioritizing the protection of equitable access to resources and programs, we provide opportunities for historically marginalized communities,” said Villanueva. “This proactive approach is essential for progress in equity and inclusion.”
Senate Bill 859 passed the Senate Friday and heads to the House for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – In order to give minority-owned, women-owned and veteran-owned businesses better opportunities, State Senator Celina Villanueva advanced a measure to allow these marginalized groups to apply for up to $2 million in loans.
“By establishing better business incentives for underrepresented populations, we encourage long-term success and sustainability in disadvantaged communities,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “It is important that we continue to break systemic barriers that these communities face in order to see long-lasting change.”
Senate Bill 3807 would encourage more people to apply to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s Minority, Veteran, Female and Disability Loan Program by increasing the maximum loan amount from $400,000 to $2 million.
“In prioritizing the marginalized groups that have not been properly represented in the business sector in the past, we empower entire communities,” said Villanueva. “These investments are not only a matter of social responsibility, but strategic investment in long-term vitality.”
Senate Bill 3807 passed the Senate Friday and heads to the House for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD — La Senadora Estatal Celina Villanueva avanzo una medida para facilitar y hacer más equitativo el proceso de traslado universitario a través de la exención de ciertas tasas de admisión.
"El acceso equitativo a la educación es de suma importancia, y los estudiantes en su último semestre deben tener la oportunidad de transferirse sin la carga de las tasas de solicitud," dijo Villanueva (D-Chicago). "Es nuestra responsabilidad garantizar que la transición de cada estudiante a la educación superior sea fluida y justa."
Read more: Villanueva aboga por facilitar los traslados universitarios
SPRINGFIELD —State Senator Celina Villanueva championed a measure to make the college transfer process easier and more equitable by waving certain admissions fees.
“Equitable access to education is of the upmost importance, and students in their final semester should have the opportunity to transfer without the burden of application fees,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “It is our responsibility to ensure every student’s transition into higher education is seamless and fair.”
Read more: Villanueva champions measure to make college transfer process easier
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