052624CM0972SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Celina Villanueva championed a newly signed proposal to enhance Scott’s Law by further protecting construction workers.

“Expanding Scott’s Law to include constructions zones is essential to ensuring the safety of workers and drivers alike,” said Villanueva (D–Chicago). “By prioritizing this preventative law we are instituting safeguard for the lives of everyone involved.”

Scott's Law requires drivers to change lanes when approaching stationary emergency vehicles, including highway maintenance vehicles displaying flashing lights, and any stationary vehicle with their hazard lights activated. The measure also states, if changing would be impossible or unsafe, drivers would be required to proceed with due caution, reduce the speed of the vehicle and leave a safe distance until safely passing the stationary vehicle.

Villanueva’s House Bill 5370 broadens Scott’s Law to require vehicles entering a construction or maintenance zone to reduce speed and change into a lane that is not adjacent to construction workers, when possible.

“The clarification in the language of the law allows everyone to have a more clear understanding of when Scott’s Law should be followed and enforced,” said Villanueva. “We were able to recognize the proximity to possible hazards drivers, emergency responders, and those who work in construction and maintenance zones could encounter and make a preventative step to ensure everyone’s safety.”

House Bill 5370 was signed into law Friday and takes effect Jan. 1, 2025.