SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Celina Villanueva championed a measure through the Senate to ensure reproductive health care records are not being improperly disclosed.
“As the war on reproductive rights continues throughout the nation, we must ensure that those who are seeking reproductive health care are protected in every way possible,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “As a safe haven state, we have a responsibility to protect individuals’ rights to care and ensure their health care records remain private.”
Last year Villanueva led House Bill 4664 – a law to shield out-of-state patients and in-state providers from legal action originating from other states regarding abortions performed here. To expand upon that measure and provide further protections, Villanueva led House Bill 5239 this year.
The measure would ensure that location information and health records for reproductive health care performed in Illinois would not be subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Further, it would ensure that units of local governments could not assist in imposing a civil or criminal liability against a person or provider who received reproductive or gender affirming care in Illinois.
“In the absence of federal protections, state-level protections are essential to counteract restrictive laws in other states,” said Villanueva. “This preventative measure will offer the necessary protection from the overarching laws of other states.”
House Bill 5239 passed Senate Thursday and heads to the governor for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Celina Villanueva passed a measure through the Senate to ensure those who plead guilty to a possession charge receive a second chance in exchange for diversion into a probation program.
“Supportive measures like this allow first-time offenders of possession to reintegrate into society with the tools they need to succeed,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “Harsh penalties only serve to solidify a cycle of recidivism.”
Currently, a person who successfully completes a probation program will have their sentence or conviction vacated. This clean record applies while the person is enrolled in the program as well as for those who successfully complete the program.
House Bill 5285 would protect individuals who plead guilty to a possession charge in exchange for diversion into a probation program with the promise that a felony will not be included on their record upon successful completion of the program. This measure is necessary because background checks often misinterpret diversion into special probation programs as a “conviction.”
“First-time offenders deserve a second chance rather than severe penalties,” said Villanueva. “This measure encourages compassion and restores hope for a society that believes in second chances and recognizes that people can learn from their mistakes and contribute positively to their communities.”
House Bill 5285 passed Senate Thursday and heads to the governor for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Celina Villanueva championed a measure to protect construction workers by enhancing Scott’s Law.
“By establishing safety measures to further prevent accidents in construction zones, we will guarantee the safety of drivers, emergency responders, and those who work in construction and maintenance zones,” said Villanueva (D–Chicago). “Enhancing Scott’s Law is a necessary step to prioritizing protection of construction workers and drivers alike.”
Scott's Law requires drivers to change lanes when approaching stationary emergency vehicles, including highway maintenance vehicles displaying flashing lights, and any stationary vehicle with their hazard lights activated. The measure also states, if changing would be impossible or unsafe, drivers would be required to proceed with due caution, reduce the speed of the vehicle and leave a safe distance until safely passing the stationary vehicle.
House Bill 5370 would enhance Scott’s Law to require vehicles entering a construction or maintenance zone to reduce speed and change into a lane that is not adjacent to construction workers, when possible.
“Protecting the lives and well-being of workers is essential,” said Villanueva. “These changes to Scott’s Law are crucial to safeguarding the lives of everyone involved.”
House Bill 5370 passed the Senate Wednesday.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Celina Villanueva championed a measure to provide further protections to crime victims.
“There is no reason why crime survivors, who are brave enough to share DNA, should have to look over their shoulder wondering if their DNA they voluntarily provided will be used against them,” said Villanueva (D–Chicago). “This provision protects survivors and ensures they are able to seek justice without fear of systemic retaliation.”
House Bill 1168 would ensure that DNA evidence collected from a crime victim is not entered into a DNA database.
The measure comes in response to a case in San Francisco where a rape survivor voluntarily provided her DNA to law enforcement to bring her attacker to justice. However, her DNA was put into a database without her consent – and was tested against crime scene DNA for years.
Villanueva’s measure would ensure crime survivors are protected against unreasonable searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment.
“People should feel comfortable reporting crimes rather than face fear of future retaliation,” said Villanueva. “This provision is essential to maintaining the integrity of our criminal justice system.”
House Bill 1168 passed the Senate Wednesday and heads to the governor for final consideration.
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