SPRINGFIELD — A new law from State Senator Celina Villanueva will ensure reproductive health care records are not being improperly disclosed.

“As we navigate the war on reproductive rights, preventative laws like this are essential in counteracting restrictive and overarching laws of other states,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “As a safe haven state, it is our responsibility to reinforce state-level protections where federal protections have failed us.”

Last year Villanueva led House Bill 4664 – a law to shield out-of-state patients and in-state providers from legal action originating from other states regarding abortions performed here.  To expand upon that measure and provide further protections, Villanueva championed House Bill 5239 this year.

The law will ensure that location information and health records for reproductive health care performed in Illinois will not be subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Further, it will ensure that units of local governments could not assist in imposing a civil or criminal liability against a person or provider who received reproductive or gender affirming care in Illinois. 

“While federal protections are important, they have made it clear that state-level protections are crucial in safeguarding reproductive rights,” said Villanueva. “This law stands to uphold state autonomy as we continue to make reproductive healthcare a priority.”

House Bill 5239 was signed into law Wednesday and is effective immediately.