CHICAGO – State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) released the following statement in support of fast-food workers organizing for a living wage:
“When large corporations like McDonald’s are making billions in profits each year, none of their workers should live in poverty. The success of these companies is built on the labor of their employees, and those employees deserve a living wage and dignity in their work.
“No one should have to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet. It is past time that McDonald’s and other companies in the service industry pay a living wage of at least $15 per hour.”
Watch the Fight for $15 Chicago Day of Action here.
SPRINGFIELD – So students better understand the naturalization process, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) passed legislation in the Senate Education Committee that would allow schools to offer courses on naturalization and citizenship.
“More than two-thirds of students that take the U.S. Citizenship test in their history courses end up failing,” Villanueva said. “Schools should offer instruction on citizenship so that students from all backgrounds know the effort it takes to go through the naturalization process.”
Read more: Villanueva: Schools should offer instruction on citizenship
SPRINGFIELD – Legal representation to those in immigration proceedings should be a fundamental right, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) argued this week as she passed the Right to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings Act in the Senate Human Rights Committee.
“Having an immigration lawyer at your side dramatically increases the success rates of your case,” Villanueva said. “We must create a fairer legal system so that all residents, regardless of status, have an equal opportunity at justice.”
Read more: Villanueva: Access to immigration lawyers should be a fundamental right
SPRINGFIELD – To protect the wellbeing of immigrant communities, State Senator Celina Villanueva passed legislation in the Illinois Senate that would reinstate the Illinois Immigrant Impact Task Force.
“We need this task force in order to determine where relief efforts have fallen short for immigrant communities,” Villanueva said. “We must address the systemic disinvestment in our area and build a recovery that benefits all Illinoisans, regardless of status.”
Read more: Villanueva moves to reinstate Immigrant Impact Task Force
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