CHICAGO – Thanks to a new law supported by State Senator Celina Villanueva, undocumented residents 42 and older will now have access to Medicaid coverage. The new law that went into effect on July 1 expands the age group of individuals who qualify for Medicaid in the state.
“Everyone, regardless of citizenship status or income, deserves access to health care,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “The expansion of Medicaid benefits to this group of people is a substantial step in achieving true equity in our health care system in Illinois.”
Read more: Villanueva: More undocumented residents now eligible for Medicaid
CHICAGO – State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade – depriving millions of women of their right to choose:
“Today’s decision by the nation’s top court is a direct attack on women and their access to health care. I am disheartened, devastated and angry that the court took advantage of their power for their own political agenda – causing harm to millions of women. This decision won’t stop abortion – it will stop safe abortion. Women across the country will be forced to go to grave and unspeakable lengths to access this type of care. That’s sickening.
“While Illinois remains a beacon of hope as women will still be able to practice their right to choose, that will no longer be the case for people living in nearly half the states. To those women: We see you and we are here for you.”
CHICAGO — La senadora estatal Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) emitió la siguiente declaración en respuesta a la decisión de la Corte Suprema de anular el caso Roe vs. Wade, que priva a millones de mujeres de su derecho a elegir:
“La decisión de hoy del tribunal supremo del país es un ataque directo a las mujeres y a su acceso a la atención sanitaria. Estoy descorazonada, devastada y molesta por el hecho de que el tribunal se haya aprovechado de su poder para beneficio de su agenda política, dañando a millones de mujeres. Esta decisión no detendrá el aborto: detendrá el aborto seguro. Las mujeres de todo el país se verán obligadas a llegar a extremos graves e indescriptibles para acceder a este tipo de atención. Es indignante”, enfatizó.
Y destacó: “Aunque Illinois sigue siendo un faro de esperanza, ya que las mujeres podrán seguir ejerciendo su derecho a elegir, eso ya no será así para las personas que viven en casi la mitad de los estados. A esas mujeres les digo: Las escuchamos y estamos aquí para ustedes”.
CHICAGO – To emphasize the importance of continuing education throughout the summer, State Senator Celina Villanueva is hosting a summer book club to encourage students to read and continue their studies throughout the summer vacation.
“We want to invite students to read and continue to better their education throughout the summer by rewarding them for their hard work,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “Young people and students can participate in this program as we encourage them to build a habit of reading early and prepare them for their upcoming school year.”
The Summer Book Club requires students to read eight books of their choice during the summer break, record the names of the books on a form and return the form to Villanueva’s office by Aug. 9. Everyone who completes the Summer Book Club will be invited to a social event with the district office and the Senator.
“This is a great opportunity for young students to grow and foster a love of reading that will help them pursue their education at higher levels,” Villanueva said. “I encourage families to participate and take advantage of this program as we give back and reward students for their hard work.”
Read more: Villanueva launches summer book club to encourage kids to read
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