CHICAGO – As this year’s budget was signed into law, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) commended its focus on providing relief for the most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Relief packages from the federal government have systematically left out those who need the most help,” Villanueva said. “Our budget affirms the dignity of all people by ensuring that no one is left behind.”
Read more: Villanueva: State budget helps those left behind in CARES Act
CHICAGO – After the murder of George Floyd sparked nationwide protests, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) released the following statement:
“What happened to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade and so many other Black Americans is unacceptable, but it is not new. The rage that people are feeling now, and have always felt, is justified and I stand with them in solidarity.
“Action must be taken to address the systemic inequities that enable these extrajudicial murders. Those in law enforcement and the perpetrators of violence must be held accountable for their actions – just like any other public official. I add my voice to those who demand accountability in law enforcement, an end to mass incarceration, cash bail and the overall lack of resources in communities of color, among many other issues that impact Black communities and communities of color. Not just for the short term, but for the long term.
“I must also recognize the anti-blackness and racism that exists in Latino/a/x communities. It is real and divides us at a time when we should be united with our Black neighbors. As a leader in my community, I am committed to doing all I can to ensure that Black and Latino/a/x communities can stand together to address the issues that plague our communities.”
CHICAGO – After developers announced they will resume the demolition of the Crawford Coal Plant beginning Friday, June 5, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) released the following statement:
“The continued demolition of a coal plant in the ZIP code with the highest amount of COVID-19 cases is unacceptable. Our efforts should be spent addressing the public health crisis affecting our communities, not compounding it’s damage.
Read more: Villanueva: Crawford Coal demolition must not continue
SPRINGFIELD – After lawmakers passed the state budget, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) released the following statement:
“I am proud to vote for a budget that doesn't leave behind the most vulnerable people in our community even in light of the incredible challenges we now face. Immigration services and welcoming centers will see multimillion-dollar increases when compared to last year. I am grateful to the negotiators, Senators Aquino, Ellman, Manar, Sims and Steans, for working so hard to address disproportionately impacted communities.
“We are also committing to higher education by maintaining a steady level of funding. MAP grants, AIM HIGH and other assistance programs will receive no cuts even during these difficult times.
"I urge the governor to sign this budget and ensure our state remains strong during the pandemic."
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