Sen. Celina Villanueva

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Celina Villanueva introduced a measure that would create the Office of Economic Equity and Empowerment to assist minority, women, veteran and disabled business owners through providing outreach and promotional activities. 

“The creation of the Office of Economic Equity and Empowerment offers necessary protection for minorities, women, veterans, and those with disabilities,” said Villanueva (D–Chicago). “This measure ensures these resources and opportunities will be safeguarded in the future.”

Senate Bill 3805 would create the Office of Economic Equity and Empowerment within the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, further protecting equity initiatives. While DCEO has the Office of Minority Economic Empowerment, it is not written into law. Villanueva’s measure would preserve equity initiatives through the formal establishment of the office, and continue its current efforts supporting underserved business owners.

“It is important that we prioritize the protection of existing organizations that offer equitable access to resources and opportunities,” said Villanueva. “Planning ahead will ensure people have access to resources later.”

Senate Bill 3805 passed the Senate State Government Committee and now waits to be heard before the full Senate.